Matrimonial & Family Law
Nobody wants to go into a courtroom where a judge who doesn’t know you and your family will make decisions for you. Since COVID-19, getting time in court isn’t really even an option.
We will create an agreement with your spouse or partner that works for you — because it is tailored specifically to your financial and emotional needs.
When children are involved, the stakes go up even higher, as it is critical to make decisions that will be right for them as well. Even though you are divorcing your spouse, you still will be a part of each other’s life. A life that will be filled with graduations, weddings, births, and other situations that will require you all to be together. Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone could show up and be civil? Friendly, even. Yes, we will pay a lot of attention to the economic costs of divorce, but because we value the family, we know the emotional needs must be addressed as well.
You and your spouse will achieve lasting settlements with less stress and conflict.
Did you know that 98 percent of all divorce matters are, in fact, settled? Even litigators will settle the matters. The difference is whether it is settled quickly in one year, or if everything increases—cost, time, stress—by using a more traditional route. I’m here to explain all the Alternative Divorce Resolutions that are available to you to help you divorce without all the animosity and bitterness.
Collaborative Divorce
A Collaborative Divorce is a “kinder, gentler” team approach to divorce that keeps you out of the courtroom.
In fact, you and your spouse will sign a Participation Agreement that says you will not go to court.
Each party has their own Collaboratively-trained lawyer who manages the process and helps negotiate a successful settlement agreement. Mental health and financial professionals are given a seat at the table, as needed. We can even bring in child specialists as part of your team.
Divorcing is stressful. The goal of a Collaborative divorce is to work together to create a settlement everyone is comfortable with. There is no “winner” or “loser.” You and your spouse--rather than a judge — will decide the outcome of your divorce. Once an agreement is reached, the Complaint for Divorce will be filed and a Final Divorce obtained.
If the Collaborative process breaks down and you do decide to litigate, you will be required to start over with new attorneys who will move forward with the litigation of your divorce.
Mediation can be a cost-efficient way to handle your divorce.
It is usually not a lengthy process, and it also keeps you out of the courtroom. Mediation gives you a chance to negotiate your own settlement, without court testimony or a judge’s verdict. It is a voluntary and flexible process. As a trained mediator, I will help you and your spouse create an agreement that is right for you. I will remain neutral, not advocating specifically for either of you.
Unlike litigation, the mediation process is confidential. The law is discussed, but no advice is given to either party, and you and your spouse decide what is fair and equitable. A successful mediation will end with a Memorandum of Understanding that will be given to your attorney to review and proceed with the Divorce Complaint and Final Judgment.
Cooperative Divorce
The goals of a Cooperative Divorce are similar to those of a Collaborative divorce in that you, your spouse, and your attorneys work together towards a settlement without litigation. There are several differences:
You will not have a team that has the confidentiality afforded the Team under the Collaborative Process.
You will have to sign a waiver with a divorce coach and any financial professional brought into the process.
If you and your spouse cannot resolve your issues and decide to go to court, you may move to litigation and will not need to hire new attorneys. The goal, of course, is to stay out of court, but if you can’t come to a settlement, that door remains open.